Retablo is a highly emotional film about the relationship between a father and son, set in the beautiful but harsh landscape of the Andes. The film, which garnered several awards at this year’s Berlinale, follows 14-year-old Segundo and his father Noé as they craft “retablos”, small altars with clay figures that portray families and cultural happenings. This makes Noé a well-respected artist in a macho dominated society. When Segundo discovers Noé with another man, the father-son-relationship changes abruptly.

This text is from the Films from the South Festival, where the film had its Scandinavian Premiere.

"Beautiful and heartwrenching"

"It's difficult to express just what a bold piece of work this film is."
-Eye For Film

Original title Retablo

Country Peru

Year 2018

Director Alvaro Delgado Aparacio

Producer Alvaro Delgado Aparacio & Enid Campos

Production Company Siri Producciones

Norwegian co-producer Dag Hoel

Norwegian co-production company DHF AS

Runtime 1h 40m

Language Spanish

Links IMDb